

Tezos Foundation

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These are a couple of common GraphQL queries. Try them out here.


Get a token with its current price, including active listings, active offers, and holders.

query getToken($fa2Address: String!, $tokenId: String!) { tokens_by_pk(fa2_address: $fa2Address, token_id: $tokenId) { name description artist_address price offers(where: {status: {_eq: "active"}}, order_by: {price: desc}) { type contract_address price buyer_address } listings(where: {status: {_eq: "active"}}, order_by: {price: asc}) { type contract_address amount_left price seller_address } holdings(where: {amount: {_gt: "0"}}) { holder_address amount } } }


List all tokens owned by a Tezos account, ordered by the time they were received.

query getHoldings($holderAddress: String!) { holdings(where: {holder_address: {_eq: $holderAddress}, amount: {_gt: "0"}}, order_by: {last_received_at: desc}) { amount last_received_at token { token_id fa2_address name description price } } }


List all tokens created by a Tezos account. Note that this does not include tokens that were created through collab contracts.

query getCreations($artistAddress: String!) { tokens(where: {artist_address: {_eq: $artistAddress }}, order_by: {minted_at: desc}) { token_id fa2_address platform name description price minted_at artifact_uri } }


List all tokens that were either created by a certain Tezos account or where the Tezos account is listed as a receiver of royalties. Note that this does not include tokens that were created through collab contracts.

query getCreations($artistAddress: String!) { tokens(where: { _or: [{artist_address: {_eq: $artistAddress }}, {royalty_receivers: { receiver_address: { _eq: $artistAddress }}}] }, order_by: {minted_at: desc}) { token_id fa2_address artist_address platform name description price minted_at artifact_uri } }


Show all tokens listed for sale by a Tezos account.

query getListings($sellerAddress: String!) { listings(where: { seller_address: { _eq: $sellerAddress }, status: { _eq: "active" }}) { type price amount_left token { token_id fa2_address name description } } }


List the tokens of a creator where all editions were burned.

query getBurnedCreations($artistAddress: String!) { tokens(where: {artist_address: {_eq: $artistAddress}, burned_editions: {_gt: "0"}, editions: {_eq: "0"}}) { token_id fa2_address platform name description editions burned_editions } }


List all tokens owned by a Tezos account that had at least one sale since the beginning of 2023.

query getTokensWithRecentSale($holderAddress: String!) { holdings(where: {holder_address: {_eq: $holderAddress}, amount: {_gt: "0"}, token: {last_sale_at: {_gte: "2023-01-01" }}}, order_by: {last_received_at: desc}) { amount last_received_at token { token_id fa2_address name description price last_sale_at last_sales_price } } }


List all tokens owned by a Tezos account that are now listed at least 50% under the price they were last sold for.

query getTokensThatDroppedInValue($holderAddress: String!) { holdings(where: {holder_address: {_eq: $holderAddress}, amount: {_gt: "0"}, token: {current_price_to_last_sales_price_pct: { _lt: "-50" }}}, order_by: {token: {current_price_to_last_sales_price_pct: asc}}) { amount last_received_at token { token_id fa2_address name description price last_sales_price current_price_to_last_sales_price_pct } } }


List all tokens in a fxhash collection.

query getFxhashCollection($fxIssuerId: bigint!) { tokens(where: {fx_issuer_id: {_eq: $fxIssuerId }}, order_by: {minted_at: desc}) { token_id fa2_address platform name description price minted_at artifact_uri fx_issuer_id } }


Get the 10 tokens of a contract with the most total sales volume.

query getTokensWithMostVolume($fa2Address: String!) { tokens(where: {fa2_address: {_eq: $fa2Address}}, order_by: {sales_volume: desc}, limit: 10) { token_id fa2_address platform name description price minted_at artifact_uri sales_volume sales_count } }


Get the cheapest price (floor price) of all tokens in a contract.

query getFloorPrice($fa2Address: String!) { tokens_aggregate(where: {fa2_address: {_eq: $fa2Address}, price: {_is_null: false}}) { aggregate { min { price } } } }


Get the raw metadata of a token.

query getMetadataOfToken($fa2Address: String!, $tokenId: String!) { tokens_by_pk(fa2_address: $fa2Address, token_id: $tokenId) { metadata { data } } }


Get tokens that have a certain tag.

query getTokensWithTag($tag: String!) { tokens(where: {tags: {tag: {_eq: $tag}}}, limit: 10) { token_id fa2_address name description tags { tag } } }


Show the balance history of a token (who owned how many editions at which time).

query getTokenBalanceHistory($fa2Address: String!, $tokenId: String!) { events(where: {fa2_address: {_eq: $fa2Address}, token_id: {_eq: $tokenId}, type: {_eq: "SET_LEDGER"}}, order_by: {opid: asc}) { type level timestamp fa2_address token_id is_mint holder_address amount } }


List the 100 most recent sales.

query getRecentSales { events(where: {implements: {_eq: "SALE"}}, order_by: {opid: desc}, limit: 100) { type timestamp seller_address buyer_address price token { fa2_address token_id name description } } }


List all sales of a Tezos account.

query getSales($sellerAddress: String!) { events(where: {implements: {_eq: "SALE"}, seller_address: { _eq: $sellerAddress }}, order_by: {timestamp: asc}) { type timestamp seller_address buyer_address price token { fa2_address token_id name description } } }


Show the total volume sold by a Tezos account and the number of sales.

query getSaleStats($sellerAddress: String!) { events_aggregate(where: {implements: {_eq: "SALE"}, seller_address: { _eq: $sellerAddress }}) { aggregate { sum { price } count } } }


Show the sales volume and the number of sales of all tokens in a contract, in one month.

query getSalesVolume($fa2Address: String!) { events_aggregate(where: {implements: {_eq: "SALE"}, fa2_address: { _eq: $fa2Address }, timestamp: {_gte: "2023-01-01", _lt: "2023-02-01"}}) { aggregate { sum { price } count } } }

getCreations, getSales

List all sales of all tokens created by a certain Tezos account. For performance reasons, it’s recommended to split this up into two queries. In the first query, you fetch all tokens that were created by an account. In the second query, you then fetch the sale events of those tokens, by creating an or-condition with the contract addresses and the token ids.

query getCreations($artistAddress: String!) { tokens(where: {artist_address: {_eq: $artistAddress }}) { fa2_address token_id } }
query getSales { events(where: { implements: { _eq: "SALE" }, _or: [ { fa2_address: { _eq: "KT1EMg1HWiDRsA6K6zXfrxaWPKFkwpFifQgW" }, token_id: { _eq: "1" } }, { fa2_address: { _eq: "KT1EMg1HWiDRsA6K6zXfrxaWPKFkwpFifQgW" }, token_id: { _eq: "2" } }, { fa2_address: { _eq: "KT1EMg1HWiDRsA6K6zXfrxaWPKFkwpFifQgW" }, token_id: { _eq: "3" } }, { fa2_address: { _eq: "KT1EMg1HWiDRsA6K6zXfrxaWPKFkwpFifQgW" }, token_id: { _eq: "4" } }, ] }) { type timestamp seller_address buyer_address price token { fa2_address token_id name description } } }