

Tezos Foundation

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fa2_addressstringThe contract address of the token (always starts with “KT”).
token_idstringThe ID of the token. This is a numeric value but stored as a string because it can contain a lot of digits in some rare cases.
platformstringThe platform (marketplace) that issued the token. In cases where the platform is unknown to the indexer, the value is null. Possible values: HEN, FXHASH, OBJKT, VERSUM, 8BIDOU, TYPED, 8SCRIBO, RARIBLE.
last_processed_event_idstringToken models are created from TezTok events. This property contains the ID of the latest event that was used to create the token.
last_processed_event_timestamptimestampToken models are created from TezTok events. This property contains the timestamp of the latest event that was used to create the token.
last_processed_event_levelbig integerToken models are created from TezTok events. This property contains the block level of the latest event that was used to create the token.
metadata_uristringA URI that points to the metadata of the token. Most tokens store metadata on IPFS, so this URI usually starts with 'ipfs://'.
metadata_statusenumThe indexer needs to download (usually from IPFS) and processes the metadata. If the metadata was not downloaded yet (usually the case right after mint), the value is set to 'unprocessed'. After the metadata was successfully downloaded and processed, the value is set to 'processed'. If the indexer was not able to download the metadata after several retries, the value is set to 'error'.
editionsbig integerThe number of editions that are available of this token. Burned editions are already excluded from this number. If all editions were burned, the value will be 0.
burned_editionsbig integerThe number of burned editions.
minted_attimestampA timestamp of when the token was minted.
minter_addressstringThe Tezos address of the minter. The first Tezos Account that holds a certain token is considered the minter. Often the minter_address is the same as the artist_address, but there are cases where the minter is the person who buys the token the first time (for example fxhash tokens or tokens from collections such as Tezzardz).
artist_addressstringThe Tezos address of the artist who created the token. The artist_address can also be the address of a contract, for example, if the token was created by a collab contract. In cases where the indexer can't identify the artist, the value is null (for example sometimes the case for custom fa2 contracts).
symbolstringThe symbol of the token (extracted from the metadata).
namestringThe name of the token (extracted from the metadata).
descriptionstringThe description of the token (extracted from the metadata).
artifact_uristringA URI that points to the artifact. For example, in the case of an image NFT, this URI points to the source image. Usually, they are hosted on IPFS.
display_uristringA URI that points to an image representation of the artifact. For example, if the artifact is a video, the display_uri might point to an image of the first frame of the video. Usually, they are hosted on IPFS.
thumbnail_uristringA URI that points to a thumbnail representation of the artifact. There is no standard format for thumbnails, which is why platforms often create their own thumbnails on the fly instead of relying on this property. Usually, they are hosted on IPFS.
external_uristringA URI that points to additional information. See https://tzip.tezosagora.org/proposal/tzip-21/#externaluri-string-format-uri-reference
mime_typestringThe mime-type of the artifact.
formatsjsonAn array with further formats. See https://tzip.tezosagora.org/proposal/tzip-21/#formats-array
creatorsjsonAn array with names or the Tezos addresses of the people who created the asset. See https://tzip.tezosagora.org/proposal/tzip-21/#creators-array
contributorsjsonAn array with names or the Tezos addresses of the people who contributed to the creation of the asset. See https://tzip.tezosagora.org/proposal/tzip-21/#contributors-array
rightsstringA statement about the asset's rights. See https://tzip.tezosagora.org/proposal/tzip-21/#rights-array
right_uristringA URI to the statement of the rights. See https://tzip.tezosagora.org/proposal/tzip-21/#righturi-string-format-uri-reference
attributesjsonAn array with attributes of the token. This is for example used by PFP projects. See https://tzip.tezosagora.org/proposal/tzip-21/#attributes-array
lowest_price_listingjsonA JSON Object with the active listing with the lowest price.
pricebig integerThe current price of the token, represented in micro tez.
last_sales_pricebig integerThe price of the last sale that happened, represented in micro tez.
highest_sales_pricebig integerThe highest price for which this token was ever sold, represented in micro tez.
lowest_sales_pricebig integerThe lowest price for which this token was ever sold for, represented in micro tez.
first_sales_pricebig integerThe price of the first sale that happened for this token, represented in micro tez.
current_price_to_last_sales_price_diffbig integerThe difference between the current price and the price the token was last sold for (token.price - token.last_sales_price).
current_price_to_last_sales_price_pctbig integerThe difference between the current price and the price the token was last sold for, represented in percentage.
current_price_to_highest_sales_price_diffbig integerThe difference between the current price and the highest price the token was sold for (token.price - token.highest_sales_price).
current_price_to_highest_sales_price_pctbig integerThe difference between the current price and the highest price the token was sold for, represented in percentage.
current_price_to_lowest_sales_price_diffbig integerThe difference between the current price and the lowest price the token was sold for (token.price - token.lowest_sales_price).
current_price_to_lowest_sales_price_pctbig integerThe difference between the current price and the lowest price the token was sold for, represented in percentage.
current_price_to_first_sales_price_diffbig integerThe difference between the current price and the first price the token was sold for (token.price - token.first_sales_price).
current_price_to_first_sales_price_pctbig integerThe difference between the current price and the first price the token was sold for in percentage.
highest_offer_pricebig integerThe price of the current highest offer. Note that the indexer doesn't process collection offers at this point.
last_sale_attimestampA timestamp of when the last sale happened.
sales_countbig integerHow often the token was sold.
sales_volumebig integerThe sales volume of the token (sum of all sales), represented in micro tez.
royalties_totalbig integerThe percentage of royalties that needs to be paid on every sale of the token. The number needs to be divided by 10000 (For example, if the value is 250000: 250000 / 10000 = 25% royalties).
is_verified_artistbooleanIf the artist_address of the token is the same as the address that called the mint endpoint, this boolean is set to true.
updated_attimestampA timestamp of when the token was last updated in the database.
eightbid_creator_namestringIf it’s a token that was minted on 8bidou, this property will contain the name of the creator as specified there.
eightbid_rgbstringIf it’s a token that was minted on 8bidou, this property will contain its RGB values.
objkt_artist_collection_idbig integerIf it's a token that was minted on http://objkt.com/, as part of an Artist Collection, this property contains the ID of the collection.
fx_issuer_idbig integerIf it's a token that was minted on fxhash, this property contains the issuer ID.
fx_iterationbig integerIf it's a token that was minted on fxhash, this property contains the number of the iteration.
fx_collection_namestringIf it's a token that was minted on fxhash, this property contains the name of the collection.
fx_collection_descriptionstringIf it's a token that was minted on fxhash, this property contains the description of the collection.
fx_collection_display_uristringIf it's a token that was minted on fxhash, this property contains a URI that points to a preview image of the collection.
fx_collection_thumbnail_uristringIf it's a token that was minted on fxhash, this property contains a URI that points to a thumbnail image of the collection.
fx_collection_editionsbig integerIf it's a token that was minted on fxhash, this property contains the number of editions the collection has of which the token is part.
eightscribo_titlestringIf it's a token that was minted on 8SCRIBO, this property contains the title of the token.
eightscribo_rowonestringIf it's a token that was minted on 8SCRIBO, this property contains the text in the first row.
eightscribo_rowtwostringIf it's a token that was minted on 8SCRIBO, this property contains the text in the second row.
eightscribo_rowthreestringIf it's a token that was minted on 8SCRIBO, this property contains the text in the third row.